To look smart is a dream of every woman. To lose weight fast is one of the top priority of every woman and also new year resolution for most of the young girls. It’s easier to say but quite difficult to do. We always try to find the best way to lose weight fast. Wearing slimming belts, spending hours in the gym sweating yourself. We make best efforts to lose extra weight. Not only girls but losing weight is also becoming an important task list for males now days too.
What you eat is what you become and we mostly fail to understand this. You might know a lot of products like Green Tea, Slim Tea and a lot good fruits and vegetables that might helpful in losing weight, But there is on fruit that stands out to be the best when it comes to losing weight fast. That fruit is
Hello Papaya..!!!

Meet Papaya, the tropical fruit easily available in the market. One of the most delicious fruit with its unique taste and color has become an important part of every fruit oriented dish. Papaya owns some great minerals that could be great for your skin, hairs and overall health like Vitamin A, C and B, iron, calcium(good for your bones) and phosphorus.
The reason why it’s great for losing the weight fast, because it’s low in calories but high in fiber. Also, it has another great benefit for your Skin that it can help you lose cellulite( condition in which the skin has a dimpled, lumpy appearance). You will be surprised to know that the leaves and seeds of this fruit also have got some great benefits. The juicy leaves can treat high fever patients and other viral diseases such as dengue whereas the seeds are the natural medicines for your kidney to remove toxins.
How does Papaya Actually helps?
You would be wondering, oh how does eating papaya actually helps in losing weight the natural way? Well here is how it helps you out
- As its rich in fiber, it helps you reach your satiety level faster (meaning eat less gain more energy) without adding any calories.
- Suffering from distributed metabolism, eat Papayas, the natural medicines which helps you regulate metabolism and aids in weight loss.
- Papaya helps you remove any toxic substance in your body, the fast remedy for losing weight. When your body gets rid of unwanted substances naturally, it helps to burn fats more fast and effectively.
- Suffering from constipation? Eat papayas regularly. However, if you are a
pargnent woman, avoid it.

How to inculcate Papaya to your diet to lose weight fast?
It is not difficult at all to eat Papaya, as it can be eaten as a regular fruit. But here we suggest you a 2-day diet plan that could be effective for fast weight loss.
The 48 Hours Plan
- Breakfast
- For both days start your day with soya water. Alternatively, you can also have almond milk. having wheat germ and flax seed with milk or water can be a good option. Follow up this with small papaya.
- Lunch
- For Day 1 you can go for a grain salad along with brown rice cooked with vegetables. Tomatoes, garlic, onions, and olives can be used for topping. Have it with a fresh Papaya Juice.
- For Day 2, avoid any complex meals and just bake brinjal for yourself. Have it with a fresh papaya juice.
- Snack
- At any time of day as a snack, you can have few cubies of papaya or you can serve a smoothie with papaya pineapple or lemon juice.
- Dinner
- For Day 1, make a vegetable soup and have it with fresh papaya.
- For Day 2, get some zucchini made with a little olive oil, salt, and pepper. Have it with grain toast and a PAPAYA…!!

For any reason you cannot go for the above-mentioned diet, here are some alternatives that could
- Have papaya seeds in the morning. Do it for 15 days, have rest and do it again.
- Use papaya as a core ingredient for your salads
- Have papaya smoothie with pineapple, apple, and lemon juice. This will help you cut down your calories.
- Do you daily have snacks in the
evening ? Feeling hungry? Have a bowl of papaya.